true tai chi®
Class schedule
Taiji Fundamentals I comprises elementary strength building basics and movement sequences for novice students, emphasizing structure, stance, posture, stepping, and core motor skills.
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Taiji Fundamentals II transitions students to more intensive sequences and motor skills, with deeper strength, coordination, and complexity.
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Taiji Fundamentals III challenges students with highly intensive combative training, spanning power generation, free fighting and weaponry.
以高強度的格鬥訓練挑戰學生, 從如何擁有爆發力、自由戰鬥到傳統兵器等等。
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Qigong Strong® is our exclusive ‘internal’ training regimen that combines subtle stationary and moving exercises to release energy and enliven the body.
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Intensive Electives are seasonal courses focused on a specific topic.